A Rite Of Passage

Getting your first period is a rite of passage as you start to transition from childhood towards adulthood. It’s considered the main event of female puberty, signalling the possibility of fertility!

If you're between the ages of 9 - 16 years and;

  • Your breasts have started developing (and may be feeling a bit tender)

  • You've grown some underarm and pubic hair

  • Your body shape has started changing (your hips have started to widen)

  • You're experiencing a growth spurt

Congratulations, you've achieved puberty status and your period has either already started or will be on its way in the next few years!

If you've turned 16 and your period hasn't yet realised it, have a chat to your GP. There could be many reasons why your period hasn't started, and doesn't necessarily mean that anything's wrong. 


Although talking about your period may be scary at first, it is a normal bodily function in which all humans born with the female anatomy usually go through. Some girls feel really anxious or afraid of getting their period whereas some girls are really excited. Remember that everyone is different and develops at different stages, so try not to be ashamed of what your body is going through and when. 

Click here to read more about what to expect when getting your first period


Period Health Questions Answered


Everything you need to know about using tampons


The best underwear for vaginal health

You may still have some unanswered questions about your period, here are some answers…

Why do girls get periods?

Women and girls have what is called a menstrual cycle which allows them to get pregnant. When pregnancy doesn’t occur, hormones signal to her body to shed the baby-ready uterine lining. When this happens, it is called having your period.

What is PMS?

PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome meaning before your period starts. Symptoms you might experience having PMS include mood swings, tender breasts, irritability and bloating. Sometimes girls do not experience PMS in their first few years of having their period however if you do, resting, regular exercise and a healthy diet can help manage symptoms. 

Is it normal to get period cramps?

Many girls experience pain and tightness in their lower abdomen and/or their back around the beginning of their period. Your cramps should be mild and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relief however, if they feel severe, you should talk to your doctor. 

Are pads or tampons better?

Both pads and tampons are good options to absorb period blood. When using these products, they need to be changed regularly (every 6 to 8 hours or before if they’re saturated) to avoid infections. Pads are worn in your underwear and are often the easiest to use when first getting your period. Tampons are another option but can take a bit of practice getting used to inserting it into your vagina properly. If you have inserted a tampon and it feels uncomfortable, it generally means that you haven’t inserted it correctly. When you have inserted a tampon correctly, you shouldn’t be able to feel it. Veeda tampons come with instructions about how to insert a tampon properly to make you feel as comfortable as you can be when battling your period. 

How much do you bleed on your period?

When on your period, it may feel like you are bleeding a lot however you only lose a few teaspoons of blood. If you find that you have to change your pad or tampon very frequently (every hour) because it is fully saturated, it is advised to speak to your doctor. 

How long does a period last?

Generally, periods last for around 5 days, but everyone is different. Some girls may have their period for 7 days and some may have their period for only 3 days. Once you have had your period a few times, you will learn what your typical period looks and feels like. 

Are Period Products FSA Eligible? 

Period products are typically eligible for reimbursement with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA), or a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). Contact your employer or FSA/HSA/HRA provider with account or eligibility questions

The CARES Act reclassified period products as “medical expenses,” making them eligible to be treated as any other spending on “medical care.” That means tampons, pads and liners purchased after December 31, 2019 eligible for purchase with FSA and HSA funds.

What's Inside Our Veeda Period Products That Makes Them Better For Teens

It's not what's inside them, but it's what's not inside them that makes them safer and healthier


The idea behind Veeda was to offer a premium, healthy, and affordable alternative to the traditional, synthetic, and often chemical-filled personal care products which have gone unchanged for decades. Click here to find out more. 

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    Made from 100% Natural, GMO-Free, Plant-Based Ingredients

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    Hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested

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    No harsh chemicals, no synthetics and no dyes - better for you and better for the planet.

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    European Dioxin-free manufacturing process and oxygen-based cleansing makes our pads, tampons and liners pesticide, chlorine, dye and fragrance free. Safe for daily use.

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    Without harsh chemicals, Veeda natural period care products are less likely to cause allergic reactions, inflammation or irritation.

Ultimate Essentials For Girls Who Are New To Periods

There's never been a more convenient way to purchase healthy period products. 

Additional Resources

Understanding Puberty - A Guide for Parents

Going through puberty can be a difficult time for both teens and parents. There are many physical, emotional and psychological changes that occur and as a parent it is normal to feel unsure about how to best support your child through this time.

The best and most important thing you can do to help your child through this time is to reassure them. Let them know these changes are normal and it is ok to feel a bit lost. Make it known that you are a trusted person they can come to if they have any questions, doubts or worries.

Click here to read our guide for parents!


Period Talk With Your Daughter


How to have a period talk with your little sister


Everything you need to know about using tampons

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Your Questions, Answered.


How often should I change my tampon?

If you use tampons when on your period or are thinking about using tampons, it is essential to know how to often to change them for your safety. Whether you use tampons with or without an applicator, they are meant to be used once only, then thrown away after use.

You should aim to change your tampon every six to eight hours. Don’t leave a tampon in for longer than eight hours as doing so can put you at risk of developing a life-threatening disease called Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). 

Should I change my tampon every time I pee?

There is no rule to say you should or shouldn’t change your tampon every time you use the bathroom, however, some women prefer to and some don’t mind. If you didn’t know, the string attached to a tampon is extremely absorbent, so when pee flows out of your body, the tampon string is likely to absorb it. Although urine is sterile and can’t give you an infection (unless you already have a UTI), some women don’t like the feeling or smell of a wet tampon string. If you’re one of those women, you can simply hold the tampon string to the side when peeing or change your tampon. If you use the bathroom quite frequently, changing your tampon each time can be more costly and may cause irritation.

How do I know when my tampon is full?

1) There is blood in the string. You’re lucky, you caught it just in time before a leakage! Your tampon should be saturated and ready for changing.

2) It slides out easily when you tug on the string. Your tampon should do this when it is saturated, it is best to change it at this time.

3) You feel or see period leakage. Some people like to wear a pad underneath just in case of leakages.

What are Panty Liners for?

Similar to sanitary pads, but thinner and smaller for comfort, panty liners are designed to be used on the days between your period to maintain that everyday freshness and protect your underwear from light discharge. Click here to read more

What is TSS?

Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is caused by a bacterial infection which can attack the major organs, leading to kidney failure, collapse of the lungs, and even cardiac arrest, sometimes in a matter of hours. Fifty percent of occurrences are associated with high-absorbency tampon use of conventional tampons which contain harmful chemicals and synthetics. There has never been a TSS case associated with the use of natural cotton tampons, like Veeda. Veeda tampons are made from 100% all-natural GMO-free cotton without the use of synthetics, chemicals, dyes or fragrances. Have a worry-free period with Veeda.  Click here to read more


There's More To Explore

Visit our Monthly Blog for advice, how-tos and the latest Veeda news.

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Best pads for teenagers. Best pad for teenager. Best pads for teenager. All natural tampons. Natural tampons. Tampons for teenager. Tampons for teenagers. Panty liners without chemicals. All cotton tampons. Panti liners. 100 natural cotton. Can you pee with tampon in. How often should i change my tampon? Should I change my tampon every time I pee? Boob soreness before period. When should you change your tampon? Can tampons give you yeast infections? Everyday liners. uti and tampons. best pad brands. Best pads brands for teenagers. period pad brands. natural tampons. panty liner. Best tampons to use for first timers. Lite tampons. can you get a uti from tampons? Chemicals in tampons. daily panti liners. best tampons. best pads. buy tampons online. buy period pads online. online subscription period products.