March 06, 2019 3 min read

Woman holding an armful of Veeda feminine pads

March 8, 2019, marksInternational Women's Day, a day to celebrate fabulous women around the world. While we've come a long way regarding women rights, more improvements need to be made in terms of gender equality for all women, across the globe.

Improvements In Women Rights Within The U.S.

In the United States, the most recent improvements have been in the way of politics, as an uptick formore women running for political office has surged. This is great news and an empowering moment in U.S. history to see women stepping up to the plate to take on executive roles. In fact,women in leadership increased from 11 percent in 2007 to 27 percent in in 2017. Asurvey conducted byThe Peterson Institute for International Economics of almost 22,000 companies in 91 countries showed that having a woman in charge made the company more money. The report stated:

“A profitable firm at which 30 percent of leaders are women could expect to add more than one percentage point to its net margin compared with an otherwise similar firm with no female leaders.”

While the glass ceiling still needs to be shattered, as there are stillmore men in executive positions than women, thePeterson Institute survey showed forward movement for women. Assistant Dean of University of Arizona, Eller College of Management, Joe Carella explains:

“By way of comparison, the typical profitable firm in our sample had a net profit margin of 6.4 percent, so a one percentage point increase represents a 15 percent boost to profitability.”

In addition to women in higher roles, females are busting down gender stereotypes and in more male-dominated fields.Women have been in male-dominated fields since 1978. STEM otherwise known as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math careers are considered to be heavily dominated by men. The most significant increase is in the field of engineering for women is increasing as much as 243 percent!

Major Wins For Women Globally

In 2018, Iceland broke a record becoming the first country ever to make itillegal to pay men more money than women. Meanwhile that same year, Saudi Arabia equally made the news, making itlegal for women to drive cars. Additionally, a feminist group theSouth Asia Young Women’s Leadership was created in an effort to strengthen young women leaders in South Asia.

More Progress Needs To Be Made

Unlike Iceland, in the United States, women still get paid less than men. Women get paid 80 cents to every dollar a man makes. While there’s still a pay gap, it’s an improvement since 1980 when women earned63 cents to a man’s dollar. Additionally,Papua New Guinea,Lesotho, andthe United States are the only four countries in the world that don’t offer paid maternity leave after having a baby. Despite this, women everywhere are daring to break social stereotypes in terms of gender roles. Women are often stereotyped as the weaker sex, driven by emotions rather than logic, and aren’t capable of a leadership role. It’s time to strive for a global society that values gender equality.

Veeda Supporting & Empowering Women Globally

Veeda works to empower disadvantaged women and promote healthier lifestyles bydonating Veeda feminine hygiene products to women that can’t afford it. We’ve supported women internationally bydonating to Africa where we’ve donated over 75,000 natural cotton menstrual pads to women throughWorld Vision in Zambia andWomanKind in Ethiopia.

Additionally, our charity contributions have reached domestic programs likeHarbor House (Ohio),Women in Distress (Ft. Lauderdale),The Lotus House (Miami),LifeNet4Families, which help victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and homelessness. Veeda has also worked with programs that help young adults like The Teen Project by donating to its Freehap shelter, a 12-step drug and alcohol rehabilitation center for foster care and homeless youth.Veeda has also given to young women in need at a high school in Northern California.

Veeda continues to encourage women locally, as well as globally by providingeducational feminine care and women’s health articles. We empower females to be able to make informed choices for period protection that’s right for their body and lift the ban and embarrassment of menstruation. 

HappyInternational Women’s Day to the fabulous women worldwide - YOU ROCK!


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